Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Y offers spin classes. Being as bike riding is next to nil for me lately (due to cold weather and daylight savings) I decided to join in. WOW. Big difference from road riding.

Riding outdoors you are able to coast and sight see; to smell the wonderful scents of nature; to marvel in the beauty of life. You can feel your flesh, heated from the exertion of the ride, cooling from the wind caressing your skin as you pedal carefree along.....

Spinning doesn't come close to that. With spinning you get to feel the sweat pour down every crevice of your body as you continuously pedal, not daring to stop or let up too much as someone might notice and consider you weak, a wannabe cyclist. And the coach shouts to crank it up a notch, get that heartbeat up, push your limits. And so you push, and your legs feel like they are going to explode, so you stand and pedal because that is supposed to relieve some of the agony. But I'm guessing that only works on a real ride because all it does for me is intensify the ache. And just when you are about to give in to the wannabe stigma, the coach yells to slow it down. Take it easy on yourself so you can regroup, recharge. Yes, Margaret, there is a God, and he/she's spinning too.

I'm going to go pass out now.....

Random Thought

(compliments of T.N.N)

Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when
you push them down a flight of stairs.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

So Yeah! I found a snazzy windbreaker/rainjacket for riding. Its Noth Face Apex, and its burnt orange, and its sooooo warm, yet very thin and lightweight. Yesterday it performed beautifully so I was all set to ride even further today. So what to my wondering eyes should appear after I manage to drag myself out of bed this Sunday morning? Yup. Rain. And not a slight misting or drizzle but the kind that impairs your vision and leaves you chilled to the bone.

Ok. So option two. Hit the Y. But wait! I live in the bible belt where nothing opens until 1:30pm on Sundays (gotta have time for church and breakfast) so instead I sit here. Amusing myself with my very own blog while my boxer Zeus and my rat terrier Zoe crawl all over me making typing next to impossible. And heaven forbid I close them out of the room as they will whine incessantly til I can't take it anymore and let them back in.......

Oh goodie! Here comes my Chihuahua Kong and my Daschuahua Bruiser climbing all over me too! Time for one handed typing.

Life is Good.