Monday, September 15, 2008

My 70's Flashback

I've been very nostalgic lately but it's not what you'd think. I have not been missing someone - but rather something:

Really good music.

I've recently discovered 2 new blogs: Rock N Roll Classics & Classic Video Jukebox. Both are run by the same guy - a guy hailing from Boston, the coolest city in the world (ok, maybe not the coolest to some, but it's definitely my favorite) who seems to have really good taste in music. In browsing his blogs it got me reminiscing (nothing like a little LRB to keep ya' grounded) about my youth and the music I grew up on. Some of it was before my time, but I lived it as if I owned it. And I miss it. Today's music is so totally different, and to find a rock station that I don't have to pay for that actually plays classic rock is almost impossible in my little town of Disgusta Georgia.

So anyway, as I was tripping down memory lane, I tried to come up with my top 5 favorite albums of the 70's. Notice I said ALBUMS, as in NOT cd's.... vinyl has a sound all its own, and the snap crackle pop makes the memory more authentic. Unfortunately I no longer have a turn table, and have since pawned many of my coveted LP's.... the naivty of youth is not always a good thing.

So anyway, I chose my top 5 favorites based on the albums I listened to most. The albums where I know every song, and every word (whether they are right or wrong. Just don't put me on "Don't forget the Lyrics"-I might embarass myself.) Albums I have since converted to CD's and still listen to today, never tiring of them. And I think I got them.

So without further adeu, in no particular order:

Journey Infinity & Journey Evolution (tied)

I can't remember a time in my life prior to turning 30 that I did not play music from the band Journey. To this day, they rank in my top 5 favorite. I even had my high school yearbook monogrammed with a tribute to the band. GAWD what a nerd I was - hhmmm..... perhaps I shouldn't admit that.

Anyway, check out this video- how in hell could we have ever thought that look Steve Perry was going for was a good thing?????

Another nerd confession: I was a WIZ at their arcade game, Escape. Top THAT people!

Reo Speedwagon - You Can Tuna Piano But You Can't Tuna Fish

I had this on 8-track. I was 10. I played that thing so much that I am amazed the tape lasted as long as it did. Needless to say I replaced it with vinyl once available, and now of course, CD. The song "Time For Me to Fly" will ever hold a special place in my heart; not because of a guy but because of an f'ed up childhood that will forever leave me dysfunctional.

All the songs on this release are awesome though, and I highly suggest you check it out.

I wanted to tie this one with their album A Decade of Rock N Roll, but being as it was released on New Years Day, 1980, I could not in clear conscience. This is after all, a post about my 70's flashback, and even if the release was one day later, it was still one day too late.

Meatloaf - Bat Out of Hell

Meatloaf. Just one word and everyone knows who I am talking about. Fat and sweaty, and drug induced, but man could he suck you into his lyrical world! At least, he sucked me in, and I was singing his songs even when the album wasn't playing. And it has not stopped. Anytime I am having a bad day, all I have to do is pop this baby into the CD player, crank up the volume like I was 16 again, and Bat Out of Hell starts the de-stressing process immediately. It's awesome!

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pronounced Len-nerd Skin-nerd

The 70's would not have been the same without Lynyrd Skynyrd, and you didn't have to be southern to love them or appreciate their music. Unfortunately I am southern, but I would have loved them no matter what. Theirs is a bittersweet tragic tale, but their music is great stuff that I will never get tired of signing along with, although my husband really wishes I would.


Since I tied the two Journey albums, that leaves me up in the air for number 5. I have so many that I am trying to narrow down: Van Halen, Boston, Deep Purple, BOC..... I was hoping you guys could sway me. Throw out some suggestions of albums that I have - dare I say it - forgotten about, and need reminding of....

So what have you got for me? What are your favorites from the 70's?