Saturday, August 02, 2008

PhotoHunters: Clouds

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Baseball just ain't what it used to be....

Wanna know something? I love the Red Sox. I don’t follow them religiously by knowing each players individual history or their specific stats. Hell, I don’t even know all their names. But I do know arrogance. And right now arrogance is spelled R-A-M-I-R-E-Z.

Manny Ramirez thinks he put the Sox where they are today; that they are not good enough of a team for his greatness.

Read this article here

HELLO!!!! Is he the only player they have that’s any good? F**K NO! Although he thinks he is. And it’s that kind of arrogance that makes me look at him in a whole new light, and I for one am glad the Sox no longer have him on their team. A world series is not won by ONE person – it’s a joint effort of the TEAM. Apparently Manny doesn't understand that.

Now read this article here

So from this morning to this afternoon, we get to say "Good Riddance" to Mr. Ramirez. Am I the only one who wants to see the door hit him in the ass on the out??

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday Madness

Madness?..... or genius.....
You decide.

This is my boxer again. His tongue seems to be too big for his mouth as he will regularly have his mouth closed and a part of his tongue hanging out. It dries up too, and will feel like sandpaper. I can grab it and he just gives me that big dumb lummox look that is so adorable. He really is a gentle giant.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Would you choose your family?

There is a saying that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your relatives. Well, you can also choose whether or not to be friends with your relatives.

Being raised catholic, it was always instilled in me that you love your parents no matter what. You accept what they say, what they do, what they deem necessary, as law. It's much like how catholicism is taught. Do not question your lord; do not question your parents.

I lived like that for 30 years. It took me almost my whole life before realizing that I am the one who has the right to dictate what is acceptable to me; for me. Blood ties does not give a person a right to make a person doubt them self, or feel they are not worthy. A person may not get to chose their relatives, but they do get to choose having a relationship with those relatives, and they do get to chose their own beliefs.

So does this knowledge offer me peace? No. Does it help to erase the memories and emotions that go with those memories? No. But what it does offer is a type of closure, and that my friends, can sometimes be enough.

Washed Hands

Lollipop kisses (sticky sweet)
Impress their nectar upon your whiskered cheek:
Your hand absently wiped away their
adolescent aftertaste.

Despondent arms:
Outstretched for a reassuring (pretentious) hug
Grasp only the stale air of your indifference
Breathed upon my naively upturned face:
Smothered in incognizance.

Does it mystify?
That I have excommunicated myself from
Your well rehearsed pleasantries?
Your hypocritical attempts to condone
justification of Your displaced loyalty
simply compounds the situation.

Your bed is not mine to lie in -
Your rules no longer mine to follow.

Perhaps now you will be the one to recite fairy-tales
On feather-filled pillows, as silent tears cascade down
Self erected barricades, puddling by your cheek...

Pray you never hear the lone hoot owl
As he waits impatiently by your grave...