Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My bum has no memory......

.....and its feeling the pain to prove it!

Its been approximately seven months since I have ridden my beloved Bianchi. Seven months to gain back ten of the pounds I had lost; seven months for my gawd awful saddle bags to rear their ugly "heads" and decorate me in a very unflattering fashion.Again. I can't believe that the saddle on my bike was ever comfortable but sadly I do remember thinking it was actually skooshy. Surely I was delusional. The only way my bike seat could ever be skooshy is if I were to strap memory foam in triplicate to the damn thing and then encase it in a down pillow for good measure.......

BUT (no pun intended) I will not quit. Besides, at some point my ass should lose all feeling and riding will once again be a piece of cake that I look forward to and actually plan for.

hhhmmmm......cake..........Lordy this is going to be a long month.