Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Zoe & Zeus

Zoe is my rat terrier. She's 3. Zeus is my boxer. He's a little over 1. Zeus adores Zoe. Zoe tolerates Zeus. Zoe is a lap dog. Zeus is desperately trying to be a lap dog. Zeus is 65lbs; Zoe is only 10lbs.

Zeus fell asleep last night using Zoe as a pillow while they both lay on/near me. My better half snapped a pic of them. They are soooo cute!! I had to share...... just like a proud mom should.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bike Ride = Therapy

Ever have one of those days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and no matter how many cups of coffee you have or how good your hair actually turned out, nothing goes right and everything irritates?? Well, this whole last week has been like that for me. Work has been awful; exercise practically non-existent; weight loss nil; and my attitude has absolutely sucked. Luckily though Bill didn't file divorce papers (that I know of)...... instead he guilted me into going for a bike ride with him today.

And it was awesome! And it was exhilarating. And everything that made me feel like crap disappeared and all I was left with was peace and repose and a great desire to keep riding even though my body wanted to quit.

And that is why I ride.