Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Myrtle Beach Bike Week

It's just around the corner. We had hoped that by the time it rolled around I would be ready and competant to ride confidently and independantly on my Sporty.

But the 'rents paid us a visit from Maine. Stayed about 3 weeks. Loved having them - it's always a joy having time. But no ride time with them here so the time between the MSF class and when I could actually start practicing riding was wasted, and I am not sure what knowledge the class taught me was lost in the interim.

Then my better half decided to "re-build" his already built bike. Involved lots of shop time. And being as I am such a newbie we didn't feel it wise for me to ride anywhere other than our subdivision unless he was with me. So yet again, almost another month lost as our subdivision is very small and I didn't want to totally piss off our neighbors by riding round and round repeatedly.

Finally, we get both bikes home and running simultaneously. Go for a weekend ride and it was awesome! Scarry as hell as part of it was on a highway and the wind was very new to me as was all the traffic. And the speed (max was 53 but average was 45 - I think I pissed some cagers off a bit). But thoroughly enjoyed the ride nonetheless.

Then - bright idea - let's put my hubby's Nighttrain stock dragbars on my Sportster! Since he changed his out, and the drag bars are definately hotter than my stock Longhorn bars, we went for it. Looks GREAT but the stance of the bike is completely altered. End result - I am no longer familiar with the feel of the bike's handling since all my ride time was with the stock bars. I'm more streched out, which is what I wanted, and wrists do not sit the same, so its resulting in me giving throttle when I don't want to. Almost had an accident because of it really.

We went out for a ride. The day was beautiful and I was feeling pretty confident after the previous ride where I did so well, highway included. But on the first long stretch of road we encountered, it seemed like the bike was accelerating even when I tried to slow it down (was on a steep hill). Result - I panicked - turned right onto the first side road I could at wayyyy to high of a speed (this was after I cleared the hill and still did not seem to slow down). Thank God no car was coming my direction as I was wayyyy wide and took up the whole road; plus it was kind of gravelly so the fact that I stayed upright and able to stop without mishap was potentially a miracle.

That messed with my psyche. And its still messing with my psyche.