Saturday, April 14, 2007

First "bike" Ride

Today, for the very first time, I went on a REAL motorcycle ride. About 25 miles worth that was not confined to my subdivison or a high school parking lot. Some of it was actually on a 4 lane highway!

I feel like I did ok. My husband rode behind me to offer interferance should it be needed and as well to watch how I handled and if I needed any pointers. My max speed was between 50-53 but for me that was fast!!!! I was not expecting the wind factor so I kept it mostly around 45. Thats when I decided I should probably head back home for town roads since the speed limit for the highway I ended up on was 55 and most people exceed that. I did not want to be a hinderance or a statistic.

I had two instances that tested my reflexes. One was a squirrel who ran out in front of me. In my SUV I would usually swerve or slow so as not to risk hurting the squirrel. On the bike I figured better him than me and kept going (he got out of the way just in the nick of time). The second instance was when a truck turned in front of me into his driveway. He practically stopped right in front of me so he could get his mail!! The only thing I did wrong there was not downshift when I slowed and I should have. Lesson learned I hope.

Oh, and its 82 and sunny and GORGEOUS today!! So - YEA!!! And yeh, it was a blast.