Saturday, June 09, 2007

I can't believe its taken me 38 years to realize that riding solo on a motorcycle is the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced (well, one of the most anyway).

I started in Febuary with the MSF course. Puttered around the neighborhood until Myrtle Beach Bike Week - where I was callously thrown to the wolves by my hubby to either "shit or get off the pot" and actually RIDE the bike that I absolutely HAD to have. Then back home again, puttering even more around the local town streets......

Well today I decided I had the cajones to do a road trip. Biker Style. Our destination was Columbia SC via Highway 1 - basically a back road the whole way. Scenic, quaint, cute, to a spot about 70 miles away. Chump change. But lordy was it F'N HOT!!!! 92 and rising. And me in jeans and boots (just in case of road rash)........ sooooooo not cool!!! (did I mention it was F'N hot?????????? )

SO - my hubby says to me as we are heading home..... "You feeling like you can handle I-20? I'll take it easy and we'll go at your pace but its hot, and I wanna get home". Yeh. Ok. FINE. I can't be a candyass my whole life. I know!!! I mean, if I want to enjoy bike rides and so forth I have to actually venture past the 55mph mark so lets go for it...........

Man I gotta tell ya - something about that road just hit right today and I was having a BLAST!!!!!!! My needle went as high as 85mph (ok well maybe 82 but thats still F'N QUICK for me and my Sporty). At one point I BLEW past my hubby like a bat out of hell and I could swear I saw his jaw drop when I rounded him!! (yeh so he might say I am exaggerating a bit but I assure you, that is EXACTLY how it happened!)

38 years to find this what a RUSH!!!!!!!!