Thursday, July 31, 2008

Baseball just ain't what it used to be....

Wanna know something? I love the Red Sox. I don’t follow them religiously by knowing each players individual history or their specific stats. Hell, I don’t even know all their names. But I do know arrogance. And right now arrogance is spelled R-A-M-I-R-E-Z.

Manny Ramirez thinks he put the Sox where they are today; that they are not good enough of a team for his greatness.

Read this article here

HELLO!!!! Is he the only player they have that’s any good? F**K NO! Although he thinks he is. And it’s that kind of arrogance that makes me look at him in a whole new light, and I for one am glad the Sox no longer have him on their team. A world series is not won by ONE person – it’s a joint effort of the TEAM. Apparently Manny doesn't understand that.

Now read this article here

So from this morning to this afternoon, we get to say "Good Riddance" to Mr. Ramirez. Am I the only one who wants to see the door hit him in the ass on the out??


Relax Max said...

Do you really like the Red Sox? Why? I forgot where you grew up or if you even told me. Was it in New England? I grew up in Michigan and it was like an obligation that I had to follow the Tigers. So of course I grew up hating the Red Sox and the Yankees. Of course, I saw little winning with the Tigers. I don't really have a team that I follow anymore, I just go to games wherever I happen to be, and when the World Series rolls around it feels odd to not have a team to root for. I saw the news where Ramirez was traded to Los Angeles. I am pretty much a conformist I guess, so I never really liked Manny much anyway. Good for the Red Sox for trading him.

Petra ~ said...

I really like the Red Sox. I initially got interested in them (I was a Braves fan prior) when I moved to NE (sadly I am a born and bred GA Peach. I am a yankee by choice.) Boston to me is the best city in the world. I began to love the Sox cuz they were always the underdog in the sense of the World Series. Then I just plain loved them regardless. So yeh, I am truly a Red Sox fan and I say good riddance to MannyMOron!