Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little things mean so much

My girl Nona, over at "Yummy! Down on This" made me realize something today.

I have been too long on the dark side these last few weeks.

Winona, or Nona if you prefer, always has a day where she gives thanks for things in her life. Little things, not big things like health and stuff, but little (sometimes weird )things, and she always seems to find a reason to smile.

So I thought I would turn this frown of mine upside down and smile for a bit, and see what little things I can come up with to be thankful for. Here goes nothing:

Little things I am thankful for:

1. My dogs who, even though they annoy the F*CK out of me more often than not, give me unconditional love even when I am at my worst.

2. Diet Pepsi. Because no matter how much I need my morning pot of coffee, I need my Diet Pepsi first.

3. My husband, for all the special little things.....

4. Straws. Cuz they make everything liquid taste that much better.

5. My mom. Cuz even tho I will probably be as crazy as she is one day, she's still my mom and she loves me even when I am a bitch.

6. Really cheesy B-movies cuz they make me laugh and forget life for awhile.

7. Metal music. Cuz when I feel like shit, and it's cranked up insanely loud, I just feel better.

8. Q-tips. Cuz nothing feels better than a good brain scratch.

And now I am supposed to finish up with some cute funny pics. So here they are in no particular order:

So go check Nona out. And if you are a fan of small pets (as am I) she's really rather informative when it comes to rats (another reason I like her.)


Redbeard76 said...

I've known you how long and I didn't know about this place?? It took an EC drop for me to realize you had another blog, I thought you just had the horror blog. Hm.

Relax Max said...

Good for you. Turn that frown upside down.

crpitt said...

You forgot to write your awesometriffic personality :)

You haven't deleted other blog have you?