Monday, October 14, 2013

Tanka Time - The Birth of a Zombie

I have two particularly favorite past times, and thought I would combine them for the amusement of everyone myself. It is not something that will be able to be done in one post. And depending on my imagination, it could drag on for months! But it's a challenge I present to myself, and I am rather anxious to see how it will develop. Two of my favorite pastimes: zombies and poetry. Yup. You heard me right. Poetry. And what I have decided to do is write poetry about a zombie. I do not have this zombie formed in my mind as of yet; I am hoping to develop him/her/it as I go along, and the mood strikes to be captivatingly prolific (this is obviously not one of those moods, but I will have them!) So - you already know it will be about a zombie. The poem format of choice will be the Tanka. For those of you not familiar with Tankas, it is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 5 lines. The 1st and 3rd line are 5 syllables each, and the 2nd and last two lines are each 7 syllables. Whether or not the lines rhyme is optional. My game plan is that eventually all the Tankas will be able to chain together to form a story. The story of my zombie. And here is the first installment. -------------------------->>>

Who is this person lumbering slowly towards me? Why does he bite me and why (oh shit!) does it sting!?!

...I don’t want to die like this...

Why am I so sick? What was that thing that bit me? body is rotting...

I can’t eat and I can’t sleep. To this I concede defeat.